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Home Health Care Services

What is Home Health Care?

Healthcare is a community-wide approach to health and well-being centered around the needs and priorities of individuals, families and communities. It deals with health and well-being in its comprehensive and interrelated physical, psychological and social aspects.

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Some reasons why you should consider choosing home health services instead of going to the doctor's clinic : 

  • Greater Independence.
    Older adults may not admit they're struggling because they don't want to lose their independence
  • Safety, Comfort and Convenience.
  • Relief for Family Caregivers.
  • Prevents Avoidable Trips to the Hospital.
  • Saves Money.
  • High Quality.
  • Personalized Care.
  • Team of Professionals.

Doctors Services

We are VitalAire Arabia, a group of distinguished doctors from all medical specialties. We provide our home services and our first goal is your health and the health of your family always and forever.

Nursing Care

Nursing care that you or a loved one may need We provide you with a comprehensive and innovative approach and include a range of healthcare services such as wound care, injection services, elderly care, tube feeding care, respiratory care, vaccinations and many other services. 

Physiotherapy Services 

VitalAire Arabia strives to provide physiotherapy and rehabilitation services at high levels and standards of quality by developing treatment programs and care plans by specialists that suit the patient's health needs, whatever their case in general with all age groups At their homes and among family members, ensuring your comfort and saving your time, privacy , patient pleasant and satisfaction are always our top priority.

Taking care of your child

This includes non-emergency pediatric check-ups, high-efficiency therapy, and follow-up on your child's growth and general nutrition, taking care to feed him before, after and during exercise to help him become a strong, muscular child.

Caring for elders, adults and pregnant women

This includes appropriate examination and health status assessment with international health quality standards, follow-up of chronic diseases and primary health care cases.
 Follow up and care for the elderly after surgery.

* Chronic diseases: such as chest diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, kidney and liver diseases.


Improving the quality and care of our healthcare services and maintaining your comfort and privacy at home is always our first goal.

Together for a better life!